Gym was blasted, woman's 'special' body part, know what is the whole case

Gym was blasted, woman's 'special' body part, know what is the whole case

A few days ago, photos of this woman were taken viral on social sites.

It was said that it had done surgery to make its butt attractive. But while exercising at the gym, his butt exploded and the woman had to take her to the hospital immediately, where she was in coma for several days. The woman's friend had posted and told the whole case ... In the website of Newswatch33 in 2011, a news report printed that during a gym exercise, a woman's butt was blasted. The woman was identified as Serena Beaufood, 27, who lives in Boston.In the post, it was written that Serena was operating in the gym, only then there was a loud voice and Serena fell to the ground.

They had implanted to make their butt larger, which was blasted.After this, he was immediately edited in the hospital, where Serena was in coma for a long time. But the truth was something else ...-The news was later shared by several websites.

The website, which explores the truth about the news being received, has told the whole truth about the news.According to, this news was completely faked.
When he inquired about the news, it was discovered that no such case was ever recorded in Boston's hospitals.

Someone jokingly shared the news with this photo of the woman, from which the news became viral. 

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